How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Probate Attorney

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Probate Attorney?

probate attorney

Before hiring a probate attorney, you need to determine how much the service will cost. There are two options: hourly rates and flat fees. If you need help navigating the complexities of a will or estate, a probate attorney will be helpful. A lawyer can also help you navigate the legal process.

Cost of hiring a probate lawyer

Hiring a probate attorney can be an expensive endeavor. The cost of the service depends on a number of factors, including the size of the estate and the lawyer’s reputation. Some lawyers charge a flat fee, which is based on the value of the estate. The attorney will deduct these costs from the estate as part of the petition for final distribution. The executor of the estate is entitled to statutory compensation for the time he or she spends administering the estate.

Another factor to consider when hiring a probate attorney is their experience. A good probate attorney will have handled cases similar to yours, so they will be familiar with the intricacies of the process. This means they can avoid mistakes and help you achieve your goals.

Hourly rate

The hourly rate of a probate attorney varies greatly, depending on the lawyer’s experience, location, and size of the law firm. In small towns, rates may be less than $150 per hour. In larger cities, rates are usually much higher. The big firms, which often have hot-shot lawyers on staff, charge higher rates than solo practitioners.

If you need to hire a probate attorney to help you navigate the probate process, you should look for one who offers a fixed rate. This will allow you to budget for the costs, and it will also motivate your attorney to work efficiently. Another option is a contingency fee, where the lawyer accepts a fixed percentage of the money he or she recovers for you. This option is not suitable for everyone, but may be worth considering if your case involves an unusually complex estate.

Flat fee

If your estate planning attorney is charging by the hour, consider getting a flat fee for your estate planning services. Flat fees are great for those who only need a few legal documents prepared, but don’t need complicated legal advice. They’re transparent and allow you to cut out expenses. Unlike hourly rates, flat fees don’t depend on how long your case takes.

To get the most value for your money, find an estate lawyer who has experience in probate courts. That way, he or she can get right to work on your estate as soon as you provide them with the files. Anaheim Probate Attorney However, keep in mind that an attorney works by the hour, and frequent requests for help can add up to a lot of money. It’s best to limit the number of requests you make to a few, and avoid wasting the attorney’s time on unnecessary requests.


EZ-Probate is a professional company that expertly supports loved ones through the probate process. The service provides ready-to-sign documents and hand-holding every step of the way. What’s more, you only pay for the services that you need. This reduces costs and ensures that you can access your loved one’s money sooner.

EZ-Probate is a popular alternative to hiring a traditional probate attorney. Their online system takes the work out of filling out paperwork. They charge a fraction of the price that an attorney would, and the service provides a wealth of information and ready-to-sign documents.

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